This is Image'n'Bits v2.0 Release Notes: POINTS OF INTEREST: - all files are compressed (even those with the "normal" looking extensions). The only way to install this program is by using the setup.exe program provided - Image'n'Bits requires that share.exe is preloaded before you run Windows. Enter the folowing line into your autoexec.bat file: SHARE.EXE /l:500 /f:20480 If you encounter "too many windows open" error message when running Image'n'Bits or new document windows simply don't get created for some mysterious reason, increase SHARE command line arguments. For example, SHARE.EXE /l:750 /f:30720 - read online help if you have any questions -- it's pretty extensive. LAST MINUTE FEATURES: The following last minute features did not make it into online help and printed documentation: 1. Zoom In and Out menu selections you can go up to 12 levels 2. Combine With File menu selection Allows you to combine multiple images together. You can add, subtract, overlay with transparency control, etc. This operation applies to true color images only. This menu selection will be grayed out (disabled) if the image is not a true color image. 3. Right mouse click on the album area brings up a popup menu selection which tiles objects. You can control the size of the tiled thumbnails by specifying how many thumbnails go across/down in the Options >> Tile Size dialog box REGISTRATION - a registered copy of Image'n'Bits can be ordered from: Bananas Software Inc 29 Engle Rd Paramus, NJ, 07652 USA (201)568-2558 CIS:70372,3466 The full version of Image'n'Bits is: $79 NJ sales tax (6%) if shipping in NJ: $4.74 Shipping in the U.S.: $3 Shipping to Canada: $3.50 Shipping to Europe and South America: $5.00 Shipping to Africa and Pacific Rim $6.00 You will receive a licensed copy of Image'n'Bits, a printed manual, tons of file formats, scanner support and other goodies. See whyreg.txt for more information. Thank you. Enjoy the show.